domingo, 17 de maio de 2009 "Abnormally Attracted to Sin (2009)"

B by Melissa Maerz

What would Jesus do? As Tori Amos sees it, probably something dirty. Exploring themes of religious and carnal power on Abnormally Attracted to Sin, she's heavy-breathing about blood and wine and saints and getting down on her knees (for nonsaintly reasons), likely setting the librarians in some university's human-sexuality archives all atwitter. Sometimes her brains get a little too big for her Bible: On "Mary Jane," she fails to find a rhyme for "tetrahydrocannabinol pure isomer dronabinol." But when she's banging on her piano over layers of lush electronics, she's got the rapture part down. B

Fonte: e Entertainment Weekly
Em breve, a tradução completa da entrevista.

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