segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2009

Artigo: - "CD: Tori Amos – Midwinter Graces"

Eden Carter Wood
3 December 2009

I’m not generally a fan of Christmas music, associating it with struggling around the shops on Christmas Eve, desperately looking for last minute presents and wondering why every record store on Oxford St smells like a proctologist’s waiting room. Well, here’s an album that has changed all that (it probably hasn’t got rid of the store odour, though).

Tori Amos’ Midwinter Graces is a ‘winter solstice’ album of 12 tracks, the majority of which are traditional carols reworked, naturally enough, into distinctively Tori-esque forms. It really is very good. There’s none of the tacky false bonhomie that characterises most Christmas music I’ve come across before (no ‘ho, ho, ho’s' or mentions of Santa’s bulging sack); this is a thoughtful, largely orchestral album that allows us a glimpse of what this time of year might be like if it hadn’t been commercialised quite so much.

Candle, Coventry Carol has a glorious medieval feel, Holly, Ivy & Rose has a nice, understated cameo by Tori’s nine-year-old daughter, and Star of Wonder, well, it gets my vote for Christmas song of the decade, no question. Beautiful.

Fonte: @forumz e

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